It’s no surprise that feet injuries are very common because, well, we use them every day. So here is some advice for finding the right shoe for you and how to fix those annoying foot pains.
      The feet mechanisms are pretty simple; we relax our arches after our heels hit the ground in an arch down state and raise our arches in an arch up state as we propel our feet forward. While both mechanisms are important to maintain healthy feet, many individuals have poor foot mechanics that can lead to flattened feet or overpronation. If the arch flattens and stays down, the muscles of the feet have to work harder and the arch can’t get back up and this can lead to common foot pains such as, bunion, plantar fasciitis, and metatarsalgia.
      Shoe orthotics can often be a solution to some of these incorrect foot mechanisms, therefore, decreasing the occurrence of foot injuries. The modern plastic material that shoe orthotics are created from, allow a rigid support the arch needs to maintain the arch up state, while also allowing a small degree of shock absorption needed for arch flattening.
So take care of your feet!
Here are some tips to finding the right shoe for you:
• Use different shoes for walking and running. All shoes are made differently.
• Feet change! Measure them twice a year.
• Know your feet and know what you need to look for in each shoe.
• Shop toward the end of the day. Your feet swell and still need to fit your shoes.
• Bring your orthotics and a pair of your own socks.
• There should be about 3/8-1/2 inch between big toe and the front of shoe.
• Know when to replace them! Shoes can last about 350-400 miles.
Click here to learn more about how to find the best shoes for you.