COVID-19 Screening information

(UPDATED 9/14/20)

Screening Questions:

  1. Have you been in contact with someone known to have COVID-19 OR been told by a public health official that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  2. Have you personally had COVID-19? If so, have you been released by a physician to return to regular activities?
  3. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?




Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing


Altered smell/taste

Muscle aches


  • Have you travelled to any of the following places?

Note: if yes, the state of Kansas requires a mandatory 14-day quarantine

  • Mass gathering >500 people where you did not socially distance AND wear a mask
    • Includes meetings, conferences, parades, fairs, festivals, etc. where people are in a single confined indoor or outdoor space.
  • Travel to or from Aruba
  • Travel to or from countries with a CDC Level 3 Travel Health notice including :china, Iran, European Schengen area, UK, republic of Ireland, and Brazil.
  • Cruise ship or River Cruise.


In-Clinic Guidelines:

  1. We Require all patients to wear a mask at all times, including while exercising. If you feel you are having trouble breathing during your exercises, please discuss a modification with your therapist. A private room may be provided to rest if needed. *
  2. All patients will have their temperature taken upon entry. Patients with a temperature above 99.5 will be asked to immediately leave and contact their physician.
  3. Hand Sanitizer or hand washing is required upon entry and departure for all patients and staff.
  4. Employees will take temperatures twice per shift and all equipment is cleaned with each use.
  5. We continue to encourage Social distancing while in the community to keep you, your families, and your friends and neighbors safe.

*If you have questions about appropriate face coverings, please ask a staff member or see our blog.

Mask Policy

In accordance with the best available research and the changing landscape of COVID-19, please review the following information regarding acceptable face coverings. We encourage you to follow these guidelines in all public spaces.

Why are neck gaiters, masks with a valve, or bandanas not sufficient?

  • The thin material of a neck gaiter that makes the material more “breathable” allows droplets to escape. As the droplets pass through the material they break up into smaller particles which hang in the air longer, placing those around you at greater risk. A neck gaiter has shown to be LESS EFFECTIVE than wearing no mask at all.
  • Bandanas do not secure well to the shape of your face and allows minimal protection.
  • A mask with a one way valve protects only the person wearing it. Airborn droplets are able to escape placing those around you at risk of infection.

Thank you for helping to keep your family, friends, neighbors, and healthcare providers safe. We are in this together!

Stay safe and healthy, Bird PT.

Our Promise

As part of the Lawrence Promise commitment we promise to follow all federal, state, and local public health mandates by:

  • Creating transmission barriers
  • Enhancing sanitation
  • Promoting health screening for employees and volunteers
  • Following industry specific best practices and guidelines
  • Making ourselves available to speak directly with you about concerns

COVID-19 update 8/17/20

COVID-19 Guidelines (UPDATED 8/17/20)

Please follow the following recommendations for coming into the clinic.

Screening Questions:

  1. Have you been in contact with someone known to have COVID-19 OR been told by a public health official that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  2. Have you personally had COVID-19? If so, have you been released by a physician to return to regular activities?
  3. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?




Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing


Altered smell/taste

Muscle aches


  • Have you travelled to any of the following places?

Note: if yes, the state of Kansas requires a mandatory 14-day quarantine

  • Attended/traveled to mass gathering (out-of-state) of 500 people or greater on or after August 11.
  • Florida
  • Cruise ship or river cruise
  • International travel to any country with a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice such as: China, Iran, European Schengen area, UK, Republic of Ireland, and Brazil.


In-Clinic Guidelines:

  1. We Require all patients to wear a mask at all times, including while exercising. If you feel you are having trouble breathing during your exercises, please discuss a modification with your therapist. A private room may be provided to rest if needed.
  2. All patients will have their temperature taken upon entry. Patients with a temperature above 99.5 will be asked to immediately leave and contact their physician.
  3. Hand Sanitizer or hand washing is required upon entry and departure.
  4. Employees will take temperatures twice per shift and all equipment is cleaned with each use.
  5. We continue to encourage Social distancing while in the community to keep you, your families, and your friends and neighbors safe.

Back to School

We are nearly halfway through August and back to school is coming. Weather you are returning in person or virtually, keep an eye out for tips and tricks to keep yourself physically healthy during the school year. 

For starters? BACKPACKS!

How can we use our backpacks to our advantage and avoid injuries? 

  1. Start with a well fitting backpack that feels padded and comfortable. 
  2. Always, always, always use both straps. Ensure they are tight so the weight is well supported and not sagging or bouncing. 
  3. Place heaviest items low and in the center of the pack. 
  4. Lighten the load as much as possible, only carrying necessary items. 
  5. For longer distances, consider using the waist strap to allow the weight of the items to be more supported by your trunk/ hips and avoid excessive shoulder loads. 

Call, stop by, or message us with questions or concerns! 

Be well! 

Covid-19 Update 7/15/20

COVID-19 Guidelines (UPDATED 7/15/20)

Screening Questions:

  1. Have you been in contact with someone known to have COVID-19 OR been told by a public health official that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  2. Have you personally had COVID-19? If so, have you been released by a physician to return to regular activities?
  3. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?




Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing


Altered smell/taste

Muscle aches


  • Have you travelled to any of the following places?

Note: if yes, the state of Kansas requires a mandatory 14-day quarantine

  • Arizona, Florida
  • Cruise ship or river cruise
  • International travel to Bahrain, French Guiana, or any country with a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice such as: China, Iran, European Schengen area, UK, Republic of Ireland, and Brazil.


In-Clinic Guidelines:

  1. We Require all patients to wear a mask at all times, including while exercising. If you feel you are having trouble breathing during your exercises, please discuss a modification with your therapist. A private room may be provided to rest if needed.
  2. All patients will have their temperature taken upon entry. Patients with a temperature above 99.5 will be asked to immediately leave and contact their physician.
  3. Hand Sanitizer or hand washing is required upon entry and departure.
  4. Employees will take temperatures twice per shift and all equipment is cleaned with each use.
  5. We continue to encourage Social distancing while in the community to keep you, your families, and your friends and neighbors safe.

COVID-19 Policies

COVID-19 Guidelines (UPDATED 6/30/20)

Screening Questions:

  1. Have you been in contact with someone known to have COVID-19 OR been told by a public health official that you may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  2. Have you personally had COVID-19? If so, have you been released by a physician to return to regular activities?
  3. Have you experienced any of the following symptoms?




Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing

Sore throat

Altered smell/taste

Muscle aches

4. Have you traveled to any of the following places?

Note: if yes, the state of Kansas requires a mandatory 14-day quarantine

  • Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina
  • Cruise ship, river cruise, or international travel


In-Clinic Guidelines:

  1. We Require all patients to wear a mask at all times, including while exercising. If you feel you are having trouble breathing during your exercises, please discuss a modification with your therapist. A private room may be provided to rest if needed.
  2. All patients will have their temperature taken upon entry. Patients with a temperature above 99.5 will be asked to immediately leave and contact their physician.
  3. Hand Sanitizer or hand washing is required upon entry and departure.
  4. We continue to encourage Social distancing while in the community to keep you, your families, and your friends and neighbors safe.
  5. Employees will take temperatures twice per shift and all equipment is cleaned with each use.

COVID-19 update April 28, 2020

To our cherished community members,

With the reopening of our community planned for next week, we wanted to be clear about the ways we are protecting the safety and health of our staff and patients during this time. All of us must remain vigilant in order to avoid a spike in cases.

Bird Physical Therapy plans to resume normal hours on May 3. We will continue to limit the number of patients in the clinic simultaneously in order to reduce exposure. We continue to clean all equipment between every patient as well as additional times at the end of the day. Therapists will continue to wear masks while in proximity with patients and take their temperatures twice daily.

However, in order to maintain the safety and health of the community, we will need your help.

  • We encourage all patients to continue to social distance, despite the end of the stay at home order. You may be asked by your therapist if you are continuing to follow social distancing guidelines. If you are not comfortable limiting your activities, we have telehealth visits available in order to limit exposure to staff and other patients. If you are exposed to any suspected COVID-19 cases, or become symptomatic, you will be asked not to enter the clinic.
  • Patients may be asked to wear a mask. We are assembling washable masks which will be available to patients who do not have their own. Disposable masks will arrive sometime mid-late May.
  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout the clinic. We ask you to use this at minimum upon arrival and departure.
  • Temperatures will continue to be taken at every visit. Any patient with a temperature greater than 99.9 will be asked to leave and contact their physician.

COVID-19 cases are still rising in and around our community. By implementing these protocols, and maintaining an open dialogue, we believe we can continue our efforts in the clinic while keeping everyone safe and healthy.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Best wishes,

Bird Physical Therapy

COVID-19 update

Update for week of April 13th:

We continue to be committed to the health and safety of our community during the COVID-19 outbreak while maintaining our passion for physical therapy treatment. 

-We are currently open and seeing patients on a limited schedule. We will limit numbers of patients and therapists in the clinic at one time.
-Telehealth visits are also available for those who choose to remain at home but wish to consult with a physical therapist.
-COVID-19 screening protocol is in effect for all patients requesting in office visits. Staff and patients will receive temperature checks daily. Any patient with a temperature greater than 99.5 will be cancelled and encouraged to notify their physician.
-Patients will be required to wash hands before and after all sessions.
-All treatment will occur in private rooms or at an appropriate distance from others.
-Therapists will be wearing masks during treatments and will review their exposure history daily.

Thank you for your support during this time and don’t forget to #choosept